Your Body, Your Plan

Rally® has articles, videos, events, and sweepstakes to help you at any fitness stage or level.


Fitness, COVID-19

10 Ways to Work Out Without Going Anywhere

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Fitness, Health, COVID-19

Got 12 Minutes? Try This HIIT Workout

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Rally Cycling, Fitness

How to Get the Most Out of Indoor Biking

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Rally Cycling, Fitness, Fun

The Beginner’s Guide to Biking in the City

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Fitness, Fitness, Health

Are You Fit For Your Age?

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Fitness, Health

Fitness Motivation Tricks That Actually Work

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Fitness, Fun

8 Fun Workouts That Don’t Feel Like Working Out

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Fitness, COVID-19, Health

4 Science-Backed Ways to Get the Most From Your Home Workout

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Fitness, Health

Your Body on Exercise

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Fitness, Mental Health

How to Get and Stay Motivated, According to Science

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Fitness, Health

5 Ways to Get Back Into Fitness

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Fitness, Health

A 5-Minute Stretch Break You Can Do Anywhere

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Fitness, COVID-19

10 Ways to Work Out Without Going Anywhere

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Mental Health, Mood, Fitness, Health

3 Ways to Exercise for Better Mental Health

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Fitness, Rally Cycling

The Beginner’s Guide to Bike Repair

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Fitness, COVID-19, Health

8 Fun Family Workouts

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Fitness, Health, COVID-19

Got 12 Minutes? Try This HIIT Workout

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Fitness, Health, COVID-19

Got 3 Minutes? Take a Break to Stretch [Video]

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Fitness, COVID-19, Health

Two Core Exercises You Can Do Without Equipment [Video]

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Health, Fitness, Food, Mental Health, Mood, Weight Loss

The Truth About Biohacking

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Fat Brrrning Workouts

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Fitness, Rally Cycling

Sore From Working Out? Here Are 9 Ways to Prevent and Soothe Joint Pain

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Fitness, Rally Cycling

The Right Way to Warm Up and Cool Down

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Fitness, Rally Cycling

6 Ways to Prevent Back Pain

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Fitness, Fitness, Rally Cycling

Cycle Safe! 7 Smart Tips for Sharing the Road

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Fitness, Rally Cycling

How to Give Your Workout 110% Every Time

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Fitness, Type 2 Diabetes

9 Workouts That You Can Absolutely Fit Into Your Day

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Mood, Fitness

Secrets From the Happiest Places in America

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Fitness, Rally Cycling

Bike Clothing 101 - What the Pros Know

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Fitness, Rally Cycling

Four Quick Bike Maintenance Tips From the Pros

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Fitness, Rally Cycling

8 Pro Cyclist Tips to Improve Your Next Ride

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Fitness, Rally Cycling

Want to Boost Your Core? Here’s How Pro Cyclists Do It

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Fitness, Fun

8 Ways to Workout in Cold, Wet Conditions (and Still Have Fun)

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Food, Fitness

Readers’ Favorites

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Fitness, High Cholesterol

9 Workouts That You Absolutely Can Fit Into Your Day

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Weight Loss, Fitness, Food, Health

What Health Coaches Know

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Fitness, Fun, Health, Weight Loss, Mood

Let’s Get Physical — Workouts for Couples

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Fitness, Fitness, Health

Are You Fit For Your Age? [Infographic]

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Why Everyone Should Consider Working Out With A Trainer Or Coach

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Health, Fitness

Want To Help An Overweight Child? Focus On Health, Not Weight

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Work, Fitness, Health, Work

6 Hacks for a Healthier Workspace

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Weight Loss, Fitness, Food, Health, High Blood Pressure, Type 2 Diabetes, Weight Loss

The Best Diet You’ve Never Heard Of

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Fitness, Fitness, Fun, Mental Health

5 Outdoor Adventures To Boost Your Fitness And Mood

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Weight Loss, Fitness, Weight Loss

Stop Worrying About Your Weight!

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Fitness, Fitness

How to Train for a 5K Run

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Fitness, Fitness

Why Walking Is Good For You (And A Great Workout)

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Biking 101: Why It's Great Exercise And How You Can Get Started

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Fitness, Fitness, Health

Cardio 101: What It Is, Why You Need It, How Much to Do

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Fitness, Fitness, Fun

8 Ways to Fit In Fitness This Winter

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Fitness, Fitness

Wearables 101: Which Is Right for You?

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Fitness, Fitness

New Rules for Stretching

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Fitness, Fitness

How to Start Running

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Fitness, Work

Why Your Next Meeting Should Be A Walk-And-Talk

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Fun, Fitness, Health

Busted! 7 Common Myths About Summer

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Health, Fitness, Health

How Wearables May Change the Future of Health

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Fitness, Fitness, Work

How to Work In More Walking

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Health, Fitness, Health, Work

Sitting: Is It the New Smoking?

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