The Key to Cost Transparency

By Staff | April 8, 2016 | Rally Health

Whitepaper cost transparency

We are pleased to share our new white paper, “Embracing Clarity: Best Practices for Cost Transparency and Doctor Search.” As consumers pay larger shares of their medical bills and play a more active role in managing their costs, they’re creating a prime opportunity for healthcare payers and providers to better serve and engage them.

Our white paper offers three recommendations for helping to align patients, payers and providers in their joint effort to control costs and improve health outcomes.

1. Put the Right Data and Tools in the Right Places

Consumers want information and will use it, but they have to be able to find and engage with it easily. Unifying all of the needed data in one experience makes it far more useful and significantly increases customer engagement.

2. Guide Consumers to the Right Results

Putting unstructured information in front of a patient isn’t enough; it won’t guide that patient to the result that provides the most appropriate health care at the most reasonable cost.

3. Develop actionable insights to engage your population

Deep engagement with consumers means the ability to learn about them and make them feel like a known person rather than a number in a database; that engagement increases the quality of the interactions and the likelihood of that customer choosing providers and services wisely. Generating more actionable insights about your population can lead to smarter user interfaces and more effective programs and offerings.

For a more detailed look at these best practices, download the RallySM white paper, “Embracing Clarity: Best Practices for Cost Transparency and Doctor Search.”


Rally Health


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